Kebrada Festival: Batalha Dance All Style - Registration open

13 December 2019

On the floor, the different styles of urban dances. Who wins? In charge of the competition, MC André Dumará, a dancer since 1988, acts in the four languages of Hip Hop. He was a member of Quilombo Urbano, participates in dance circles at Deodoro, carries out training activities in schools and promotes battles. In the sound, DJ Nanny Ribeiro, bringing the female weight to the movement, with an engaged and original touch. To participate, send name and telephone number to Put in the subject: BATTLE OF DANCE ALL STYLE. Organization: André Dumará Judges: John Mello, Jorge Santos and Kim Menezes DJ: Nanny Ribeiro The battle takes place on Friday (12/12), at 7pm. Hurry to sign up! Free registration.