Kebrada Festival - Bboy and Bgirl Workshop, with Elias de Castro - Open Inscriptions

21 December 2019

The workshop takes place on Saturday (21), from 2 pm to 6 pm and will explore bases, techniques, combinations and the creation of new steps, stimulating originality on break. Aimed at beginners and Bboy/Bgirl. Elias is a Bboy, has danced for ten years, teaches workshops using his art as a form of social inclusion. He is director and dancer of the street dance group Tribo Style Crew and producer of one of the biggest street dance events in São Luís, Batalha das Tribos, which brings together dancers from all over Brazil. He represented Maranhão and was awarded in national events such as Duelo de Titãs (SP), Battle in the Cypher (RS), Batalha Jungle Kings (PA) and Cearense Hip Hop Festival (CE). Interested parties should send name, telephone and name of the workshop to Free registration.