Kebrada Festival - Bboy Workshop with Pytuyba - Registration open

20 December 2019

The workshop takes place on Friday (12/21), from 2 pm to 6 pm . It proposes the awareness of the senses and creativity from playful experiences in the process of discovering the dancing body, with its possibilities of movement and sound exploration. Break movements will be worked out and dance and theater games will be used, the dancer’s skills will also be presented and stimulated, such as flexibility, balance, rhythm, motor coordination and improvisation, passing through notions of Step (dance style that uses the body as a soundtrack ). Pytuyba is Bboy, a member of Cia Cambalhotas and Plano B Crew. She works in the performing arts, dance, rap and cultural production. He was cultural coordinator of Break Brasil, the Festival de Dança Expressão e Arte and Batalha da Juventude. Provides workshops for public elementary and high school students and community youth. Interested parties should send the name, telephone number and name of the desired workshop to Free registration.