OficinaKebrada Festival - Bboy and Bgirl Workshop, with Elias de Castro - Open Inscriptions21 DEC 2019
Mostras e FestivaisMC Rincon Sapiência (SP) performs this Saturday at the Kebrada Festival21 DEC 2019
Mostras e FestivaisLast night at Kebrada has Hip Hop scene from Maranhão with MC Rafiza, Conde and DJ Juarez21 DEC 2019
OficinaPride Workshop: Independent Production and Faced Challenges, with Enme Paixão, at Kebrada - Registration open20–21 DEC 2019
Mostras e FestivaisKebrada Festival brings together graffiti team from Maranhão to create a Panel20–21 DEC 2019
Mostras e FestivaisRapper Thiago Elniño (RJ) performs this Saturday at the Kebrada Festival14 DEC 2019
Mostras e FestivaisAward-winning DJ Erick Jay (SP) performs at Kebrada Festival this Saturday14 DEC 2019
PalestraExchange of Ideas: Sharing Experiences, with Thiago Elniño (RJ)+Erick Jay (SP), this Saturday, at the Kebrada Festival14 DEC 2019