The show Onion - Peels of a Whole opens the program for the 16th Maranhão Dance Week at the CCVM

22 November 2022 to 19:00

As part of the program for the 16th Maranhão Dance Week, the CCVM will offer the public the show “Onions — peels of a whole”. The work of Clarin Cia. De Dança reflects on love and the types of relationships based on the metaphor of the various layers of the onion. With creations based on the love stories of each member, the show makes the cast dance accompanied by Bossa Nova music, interpreting their feelings through dance.

Clarin Cia. de Dança brings together artists from different backgrounds and experiences – such as capoeira, breaking, ballet and Brazilian dances – with the purpose of researching experiments in dance and popular culture. It was created by Kelson Barros from Maranhão in 2013 with the initial objective of continuing research on the meaning of the gestures presented by the Orixás dance. After some changes, it consolidated itself as a company that researches Brazilian popular demonstrations, starting its research in São Luís.

The program is free, free and subject to space capacity.