Bloco Afro Netos de Nanã celebrates Black Consciousness Day at the CCVM

21 November 2024 to 19:00

To celebrate Black Awareness Day, the Afro Netos de Nanã Block makes its debut in the Open Courtyard with the presentation The Strength of Women Heirs of the Yabás, a tribute to the Ialorixás, the Mothers of Saint and the makers of popular culture and all those who are dedicated to the preservation of ancient stories.

The presentation has as its main reference the strength received by these women from the Female Orixás, especially from Nanã (Nanã Buruqué, Buruku, or Buluku), considered the Lady of Creation. The Nanã Afro Netos Block has 21 years of existence, 80 participants and a strong presence mainly in the Liberdade neighborhood, where its headquarters are located.

Celebrated on November 20, Black Consciousness Day was chosen in honor of Zumbi, leader of Quilombo dos Palmares, and symbolizes resistance and the struggle for freedom and rights of blacks in Brazil. Here at the CCVM, we will celebrate on Thursday (21), starting at 19:00 p.m. Free programming!