Pátio Aberto presents: Uma Late a Outra Mia, with BemDito Coletivo

31 October to 01 November 2019

The show Uma Late a Outra Mia will have two performances, on October 31st and November 1st , at 7pm . Actors Erivelto Viana and Arilson Ferreira, with humor, good doses of improvisation and interactivity with the audience, give life again to the characters Mia Cara de Gato and Cintia Sapequara, friends since the days of Escola Modelo, but today declared enemies. Fate puts them face to face to resolve the issues of the past, amidst much confusion. BemDito Coletivo was created in 2009 by artists and producers with the aim of producing and sharing experiences in dance, theater, visual arts and performance. His works reflect on issues related to art, the body, the present. Text: Erivelto Viana, in collaboration with Arilson Ferreira and Fabiano Sarac Cast: Arilson Ferreira, Chico Gonçalves, Erivelto Viana, Manoel Balata and Wêsley Alves Actor preparation: Urias de Oliveira Stage: Erivelto Viana and Urias de Oliveira Photography: Ayrton Valle Duration: 1:30 am Indication: 18 years old. Free entrance.