As part of the Black Month and Diversity program at CCVM, the program Território Corpo: Entre Brasil e África Negra holds the Conversation Round – Contemporary Black Dance: Bodies, Contexts and Subjectivities, with Fernando Ferraz (BA), Gal Martins (SP) ) and Bruno de Jesus (BA), on December 1st, from 7 pm to 9 pm. To think about the crossings that constitute and contextualize the subjectivity of the black person, the black artist in our society, some questions arise: How are the territories of creation configured? How do these territories generate sensitive production? How did history shape these productions? These are some of the themes that will outline this meeting. Fernando Ferraz is a researcher and dance artist, moving between performance, black diaspora dances and history. Professor at the School of Dance at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Doctor and Master of Arts (Unesp) and Bachelor of History in History (FFLCH-USP), he is a professor at the Postgraduate Program in Dance (UFBA) and the Professional Master's Degree in Dance (PRODAN-UFBA). Integrates the GIRA Group: Research Group on Indigenous Cultures, Afro-Brazilian and Popular repertoires. Gal Martins is a thinking artist in dance, art educator, cultural manager and social scientist. She created Cia. Sansacroma , a contemporary black dance group from São Paulo, and Zona Agbara , a dance group formed by fat black women. He developed and systematized the dance training methodology called The Dance of Indignation . Currently, she also acts as Pedagogical Artistic Supervisor of the Fábricas de Cultura Program. Bruno de Jesus is an artist, educator and dance researcher, dancer, choreographer, producer and curator. Founded Cia. Experimenting NUS . He is the creator and programmer of the EPA! – National Peripheral Arts Meeting and documentary director RAIMUNDOS: Mestre King and the Male Figures of Dance in Bahia. Those interested in participating must send their full name, telephone number and the name of the conversation group that wish to subscribe to the e-mail address: contato@ccv-ma.org.br. The chat wheel will be transmitted via the Zoom Platform. Free registration. 80 vacancies.