Debates about design, conscious consumption, and recycling are part of the 21st National Museum Week program

16 to 18 May 2023 to 19:00

In 2023, the 21st edition of National Museum Week includes the theme Museums, Sustainability and Welfare, as part of the advancement of an agenda dedicated to sustainability.

As part of the program, the CCVM will carry out the cycle of debates Biocentric Conversations: Beyond Sustainability. There will be two open conversations and a movie festival that will discuss new perspectives on consumption, production and recycling based on design.

The activities are curated by Raquel Noronha (NIDA — PPGDG-UFMA), designer, master and doctorate in Social Sciences. Adjunct professor at the Federal University of Maranhão, she is a permanent professor of the Graduate Program in Design. She coordinates the NIDA — Research Center on Innovation, Design and Anthropology (CNPq), researching the relationships between artisans, materials, forms of knowledge and creative practices, in a decolonial approach to design.

The National Museum Week is one of the actions of the National Museum Policy of the Brazilian Institute of Museums – Ibram, constructed and proposed in conjunction with the Brazilian museum sector, whose purpose is to mobilize museums from all over the country based on an effort to converge their programs around the same theme.

May 16 at 19:00

Mostra de cinema

Flores Island

Direction: Jorge Furtado | Documentary |15 min | 1989
Synopsis: A tomato is planted, harvested, transported, and sold in a supermarket, but it rots and ends up in the trash. Is it over? No. Flores Island follows it to its true end, among animals, garbage, women and children. And then it becomes clear the difference that exists between tomatoes, pigs and human beings


I’m saving myself for when Carnival comes

Direction: Marcelo Gomes | Documentary | 85 min | 2019
Synopsis: In the city of Toritama, considered an active center of local capitalism, more than 20 million jeans are produced annually in home factories. Proud to be their own chefs, the owners of these factories work around the clock at all times of the year, except Carnival: when the week off comes, they sell everything they have accumulated

and rest on idyllic beaches.

Presentation: Raquel Noronha (NIDA


May 17 at 19:00

Open conversation – (In) sustainability and resurgence: the problem of garbage collection and recycling

The problem of collecting, reusing, and recycling solid waste is a global and multidimensional problem that involves environmental, economic, and sociocultural issues. Under the banner of developmental policies, collection and recycling are the activities of around 1 million people in Brazil and the professional performance of waste pickers has been recognized by the Ministry of Labor since 2002. However, necropolitics enclose such workers in vicious cycles of work and pricing that prevent them from reversing the unsustainable logic of waste production and disposal, collection, recycling, and commercialization. This conversation brings together representatives from various sectors who will discuss the topic of the unsustainability of processes, on international, national and local realities


Meet the participants at the table below:

May 18 at 18:00

Open conversation – Craftsmanship, participation and autonomy: waste, fibers and the dematerialization of design

Rethinking the way in which we produce, consume, and what we consider necessary means that we are able to build a path that moves away from dependence on natural resources. Thinking and acting towards a reduction in the use of materials, of a reuse and a reuse of waste as means for production becomes an alternative to reconnect in an ancestral way and thus relearn to

be nature.

These processes combined with a purpose of strengthening the subjectivities of the subjects lead to the development of autonomy and the construction of new possibilities for the future. This conversation presents four design practice initiatives aimed at the life and autonomy of productive groups in Maranhão.
Meet the participants at the table below:

The National Museum Week is one of the actions of the National Museum Policy of the Brazilian Institute of Museums – Ibram, constructed and proposed in conjunction with the Brazilian museum sector, whose purpose is to mobilize museums from all over the country based on an effort to converge their programs around the same theme.