Accessible programming for deaf people is part of the 18th Museum Spring at the CCVM

25 to 28 September 2024

The 18th Museum Spring, organized by the Brazilian Institute of Museums — IBRAM, will have the theme Museums, Accessibility and Inclusion in 2024, shedding light on the role of museums in promoting access to all their audiences, regardless of their physical, sensory or cognitive conditions. The Vale Maranhão Cultural Center will integrate the week with a program dedicated to accessibility for deaf people.

Composing the program organized at the CCVM, the exhibition Nhe’Porã: Memory and Transformation, organized by the Museum of the Portuguese Language and coordinated by the CCVM, presents the diversity of indigenous languages spoken in the Brazilian territory and includes interactive and accessible devices in Libras and Braille. On September 28, from 16:00 to 18:00, a mediated visit to the exhibition, with interpretation in pounds, will be held for the spontaneous deaf public who attend the CCVM.

On Wednesday, September 25, at 15:00pm, the open conversation Challenges and Achievements in Accessibility for Deaf People will be held. The moment is aimed at all audiences, with the objective of deconstructing prejudices and generating empathy regarding issues involving the community and the deaf subject, contextualizing the processes and achievements of the community in São Luís based on the experiences of the interpreter of Libras Angelina Freitas and Professor Antonio Hercles.

Museum Spring is a cultural event created with the objective of intensifying the relationship between museums and society, promoting the appreciation of Brazilian cultural heritage and with the objective of democratizing access to culture and encouraging education and reflection on urgent cultural topics. The programming on the CCVM is completely free. The space is located at Rua Direita, 149, São Luís Historic Center.