Baile do Caribe is part of the release campaign for “Swing Louco”, the first album by the band Carimbó dos Macacos. The presentation will show a peculiar vision of the various rhythms intrinsic to Maranhão’s musicality.
The band addresses topics from aspects of popular culture and praises the percussiveness and diverse languages of the drums and references to the masters of Maranhão, making a link between ancestry and contemporaneity.
“Crazy Swing” is the creative way in which the band synthesizes the various references of their songs, ranging from Merengue, Carimbó and Cumbia to the Drum of Crioula, Côco, Ijexá and also Forró.
With 6 years of activities, Carimbó dos Macacos is preparing its original music, with themes from popular culture that refer to its Afro-Caribbean roots, to show, next Thursday (27), to the public of the CCVM’s Open Courtyard.