The show Afrobrasilidades, from Ruaní, marks the singer’s debut in São Luís. Born in the city of Imperatriz, the artist brings elements from Terecô, a very common religious manifestation in the South of Maranhão.
Guided by African-inspired musicality, Ruaní seeks to strengthen the self-esteem and empowerment of the Brazilian black community with her work, in addition to revering the aphrodiasporic philosophy. Afrobrasilidades will include songs written by the artist of their EP, which will be released in 2024. Ruaní invited experienced musicians from the Imperatriz music scene to accompany her at the show: Maestro Humberto Santos, Júnior Schubert, and Uendel Aciolly.
Ruaní is also an educator. As a black woman, she builds her art to strengthen the identity of the black people, especially the people of Terreiro, since her music focuses on the cult of the Orixás and Encantados, present at Terecô. The Open Patio is on Thursday and begins at 19:00 p.m. Admission is free.