Dramaturgias Negras publishes black authors selected in a public call

Prepared by Cia Chão de Cozinha, Dramaturgias Negras selected works by black playwrights born or resident in the Legal Amazon, from the perspective of an afroreferenced writing.

Approved in the Public Notice Ocupa CCVM – Amazônia em Foco 2024, the project Black Dramaturgies: A Writing by Amazonian Women will develop a collection so that black authors can be published and have visibility, reaching other peoples who identify with this writing.

Cia Chão de Cozinha is an artistic space, composed of black people, who think of their authorial works based on dramaturgical writing as an emancipatory movement, with the idea of developing narratives that tell their stories and the stories of their peoples.

Credit: Skarlati Kemblin

List of selected