Rita Comparato teaches the course "Uncomplicating modeling" in CCVM networks

17 March to 12 May 2021

Teaching modeling in an organic way, from the body of each one, resulting in pieces full of personality is one of the main objectives of the course Uncomplicating modeling , a partnership between the Vale Maranhão Cultural Center and the renowned stylist Rita Comparato. Divided into nine modules – materials, measurements, base, pence, sleeves, collar, top, skirt and pants -, the course will be shown weekly on Wednesdays, at 7 pm, on the CCVM Channel on YouTube, from the 17th. In it, the public will learn to improve creativity, logical thinking and understanding of the dimensions of the human body, making conventional modeling more practical and objective. Owner of an extensive curriculum, Rita helped define Brazilian fashion in the early 2000s, alongside fellow stylist Dudu Bertholini. The Neon brand, authored by the duo, has won the world, being present on TV shows, international runways and showcases, and stages of famous singers. Today, Rita is dedicated to her Irrita brand, which mixes impeccable technique with irreverence and creativity, in a business that strives for production and conscientious consumption, creating exclusive pieces. Course schedule:

  • March 17 – Materials
  • March 24 – How to take measurements
  • March 31 – Dress Base
  • April 7 – Pence's Displacement (magic class)
  • April 14 – Mango
  • April 21st – Collar
  • April 28 – Top
  • May 5th – Get out
  • May 12 – Pants and Closure

Uncomplicating modeling is part of the CCVM's educational training actions, scheduled for the year 2021. The course will be available on the institution's YouTube channel. To attend the classes and all the programming of Centro Cultural Vale Maranhão, such as concerts, film shows, exhibitions, conversation circles, etc., visit https://www.youtube.com/centroculturalvalemaranhao