The course proposes the approximation of little-known indigenous musical traditions, from various ethnic groups in the country such as Kambeba (AM), Krenak (MG), Paiter Suruí (RO), Kaingang (RS), Ikolen-Gavião (RO), Xavante (MT) and Kaiowá (MS). In addition to attentive listening to indigenous sounds, the contextualization and vocal practice of some songs will be developed, encouraging participants to experience the sound of some of the 180 Brazilian indigenous languages. The course was designed to demystify the idea that all indigenous culture is equal and collaborate with teachers and managers in the process of implementing Law 11,645, which determines the inclusion of indigenous content in the school curriculum. Magda Pucci is a musician, arranger, composer, singer and independent researcher of music from the world and Brazilian indigenous cultures. Graduated in Music (Regency) from the University of São Paulo, has a Master's in Anthropology from PUC-SP and a PhD in Artistic Research from the University of Leiden (Netherlands). As music director and founder of the music group Mawaca, she produced five CD's, four DVD's and toured Brazil and more than eight countries. The course will be broadcast on the Zoom Platform. Number of Vacancies: 90 Those interested in participating must send their full name, telephone number and the name of the workshop that they wish to register to by e-mail: Free registration.