Indí - Indigenous Music Festival - 2022

The CCVM is proud to announce a new edition of Indí — Indigenous Music Festival. This year, the festival returns with its face-to-face version, bringing to our spaces all the diversity, wisdom and richness of the culture of the original peoples.

There will be presentations, workshops, screenings of unpublished documentaries and moments of exchange of knowledge and experiences between spiritual leaders and between women from different areas of activity. Curated by Renata Tupinambá, Gean Ramos Pankararu and Magda Pucci, the new edition of Indí — Indigenous Music Festival will take place from August 24 to 27.

Check out the schedule:

Check the schedule

August 24 – Wednesday

19:00 – Opening with curators
19:15 – Screening of the documentary Indigenous Stories and Songs Guajajara Tintehar — Lagoa Quieta Village — Araribóia Indigenous Territory — Amarante (MA) — Director: Diego Janatã and Djuena Tikuna – 2021
19:40 – Screening of the documentary Indigenous Stories and Songs Kanela Ramkokamekrá – Escalvado Village – Kanela Indigenous Land – Fernando Falcão (MA) – Director: Diego Janatã and Djuena Tikuna – 2021
20:00 – Presentation Kanela Apaniekra (MA)

August 25 – Thursday

17:00 – Flutes and Toré Workshop with Wakay (Fulkaxó)
19:00 – Performance “Oca” Ziel Karapotó (Karapotó)
19:30 – Screening of the unpublished documentaries of the Mostra Sounds Indígenas do Maranhão, directed by Carlos Magalhães:
– We, the Ka’apor
Elas – The Krikati Women
20:00 – Wakay presentation (Fulkaxó)

August 26 – Friday

15:00 – Vocal Polyphonies Workshop with Cafurnas Fulni-ô (PE)
17:00 – House of Memory – Meeting with spiritual leaders, elders and elders of different peoples: Atiã Pankararu (PE), Thulni Fowá (Fulni-ô-PE), Karangre Xikrin (PA), D. Floriza and Roseli (Guarani Kaiowá/MS) and Dirce Jorge (Kaingang). Mediation: Idjahure Kadiwel.
19:00 – Awá Guajá (MA) presentation
20:00 – Presentation Cafurnas Fulni-ô (PE)

August 26 – Friday

15:00 – Vocal Polyphonies Workshop with Cafurnas Fulni-ô (PE)
17:00 – House of Memory – Meeting with spiritual leaders, elders and elders of different peoples: Atiã Pankararu (PE), Tolnyfowá (Fulni-ô-PE), Catarina Tupi Guarani (Tupi/SP), Karangre Xikrin (PA), D. Floriza and Roseli (Guarani Kaiowá/MT) and Dirce Jorge (Kaingang). Mediation: Idjahure Kadiwel.
19:00 – Awá Guajá (MA) presentation
20:00 – Presentation Cafurnas Fulni-ô (PE)

August 27 – Saturday

10:00 to 12:00 – Body painting workshop with Xikrin (PA)
14:00 to 16:00 – Women’s House – Conversation circle with women of fashion, literature, arts, music, youth, resistance movements and environmental issues.
Participation of: Chief Majur Traitowu – first trans chief of the Boe-Bororo people (Bororo); Graciela Guarani – cultural producer, director, screenwriter and curator (Guarani Kaiowá); Roseli Conciança Jorge – spiritual leader and singer Nandesy (Kaiowá); Djotana AKA Siba Carvalho – multiartist and art educator (Puri); Siana Leão Guajajara – works in inclusive education and indigenous accessibility projects (Guajajara); Nayara Guajajara – teacher (MA);
Day Molina – indigenous stylist and “artvist” – founder of the indigenous collective Moda BR (Aymara and Fulni-ô); Isabela Santana – actress and multi-artist, co-founder of the website Visibility Indígena (Pataxó). Julie Dorrico mediation.
16:00 to 21:00 – Presentations by:
Xikrin (PA)
Pankararu Cultural Nation (PE)
Djotana AKA Siba Carvalho (Puri) “+ synesthezk”
Nelson D.