- Indigenous Music Festival 2024

07 to 10 August 2024

The 6th edition of Indí will be held from August 7 to 10 and is curated by Djuena Tikuna and Magda Pucci.

Our festival marks the CCVM celebrations for Indigenous August, valuing the musical diversity of indigenous peoples with workshops, shows, debates and documentaries.

Check out the schedule:

August 7th

20:00: Opening Show with Djuena Tikuna and guests at the Arthur de Azevedo Theater

For the opening of the sixth edition of — Indigenous Music Festival, we will have the show Torü Wiyaegü, with Djuena Tikuna & Guests.

The event will take place at the Arthur Azevedo Theater, starting at 8 pm and will feature special appearances by Paola Gibram (SP), Anton Carballo (RJ), Pedro Ferrer (MA), Flávia Bittencourt & Emanuelle Paz (MA), Aila (PA), Wirapintang Ka’apor (MA), Wotchimaücü (AM), Pajé Maria Roxa – Akroá Gamella (MA) and Oscar Cohtap – Akroá Gamella (MA).

August 8

16:00: Ancestral Dialogues Open Talk

During the day, our Indigenous Music Festival is a great opportunity to share knowledge and experiences among event participants. In the Open Conversation “Ancestral Dialogues”, mediated by Paola Gibram, we will hear Gilda Kuitá (Kaingang/PR), Valdemar Ka’apor (MA), Maria Roxa (Akroá-Gamella/MA)

and Domingos Pacu Tikuna (AM).

19:00: “Ivy Ti’ira” – “Earth, Light”, projection mapped with Roberta Carvalho and Eric Terena

Created by Roberta Carvalho with a score by DJ Eric Terena, “Ivy Ti’ira” – “Earth, Light” consists of a projection mapped with images and sounds of the people of Maranhão.

19:20: Screening of the documentary Ka’apor — Guardians of Songs and the Forest

Birds and songs are not silent in the Maranhão Amazon, the territory of the guardians of the forest, the inhabitants of the forest, the Ka’apor. The songs echo through the Alto Turiaçu indigenous land and, during the naming rituals, watered with lots of cassava, it is also possible to hear the rare cinnamon whistles of the Royal Hawk and the plucking of excavated cedar drums, covered with guariba leather.

8 p.m.: Ka’apor (MA) presentation

The Ka’apor participating in this edition of the Indigenous Music Festival come from the villages Turizinho and Xie Pihu Erena, located in the Alto Turiaçu Indigenous Territory, in the Maranhão Amazon. Guardians of the Forest live under surveillance for their territory against the action of invaders and, through their songs, they maintain a rich cultural legacy for

new generations.

20:30: Wotchimaücü (AM) presentation

The group Wotchimaücü appeared in 2000 and already has a solid musical project with a recorded album, the “Indigenous Songs of the Tikuna People”. His white robes, which symbolize peace between peoples, and his bare feet, in contact with nature and the earth, are some of his outstanding characteristics. This is how the group takes the roots of its culture wherever it goes.

August 9th

International Day of Indigenous Peoples

10am: Boca Kaingang Nen Ga Arco Office

The Kaingang mouth arch is long and gently curved, almost straight. Knowledge related to this rare instrument will be shared with people from younger generations, interested in strengthening the ancient knowledge of the Kaingang people. Gomercindo Salvador Kanhgág is a resident of the Nonoai indigenous land (RS), an artisan, musician and disseminator

of the ancient knowledge of his ethnicity.

14:00: Kaingang NGa Intergenerational Meeting

This meeting between Gomercindo Salvador, from the Nonoai Indigenous Territory (RS), and Nn Ga youth will promote an exchange of knowledge between different generations, passing on teachings and strengthening relationships. Gomercindo is the only elder who still plays the Boca Kaingang Arch, which makes this exchange of experiences

even more necessary and urgent.

19:00: Piraí documentary screening — Os Cantos da Encantaria Akroá Gamella

The Akroá Gamella are resisting in the lower Maranhão region in a process of collective retaking for their territory and their identity as an indigenous people. Thus, they continue to sing the resistance, with the strength of the enchanted and under the protection of João Piraí, the father of this

enchanted place.

19:30: Kaingang Nn Ga (PR) presentation

The existence of Nn Ga is also centered on the practice of songs and dances, presenting a repertoire based on traditional songs of the Kaingang people and on songs prepared by members of this collective. The presentation at the Indigenous Music Festival 2024 will have the special participation of Gumercindo Salvador playing his bow from the mouth


8 p.m.: Pykopjê Gavião presentation

The “Hawkeye Pukobjê” are part of the large Timbira family in Maranhão. The group that performs on 2024 is made up of representatives from several villages in the Governador Indigenous Territory and they sing their traditional festivals, “Amji kin”, a term used to refer to “joy”


10th of August

14:00: Open Talk by Original Designers

For the last day of – Indigenous Music Festival 2024, we have separated a program focused on fashion. Mediated by Djuena Tikuna, the Original Stylists Open Conversation will feature the participation of We’e’ena Tikuna, Patrícia Kamayurá and Sioduhi. At the time, the designers will share details of each one’s experience and challenges as creators of

their brands.

16:30: Xikrin memory: remembering the past to think and (re) design the future

The Xikrin Memory Project, the result of a partnership between the Botiê Xikrin Indigenous Institute and Vale, resulted in the construction of the Xikrín Collection Online Platform and four illustrated Xikrín-Portuguese dictionaries, with the purpose of serving as teaching material and stimulating research by students and teachers in schools in the Xikrín do Cateté Indigenous Land.

6:30pm: Indigenous Fashion Show

In this edition of we will have an Indigenous Fashion Show with creations by We’e’e’na Tikuna, Patrícia Kamayurá and Sioduhi at 6:30pm on Saturday. Designers bring to their pieces a deep connection with their cultural roots, using artisanal techniques and natural materials that reflect the intimate relationship with the earth and nature. Each creation celebrates the identity and resistance of its peoples.
By integrating traditional elements with a contemporary look, indigenous fashion not only preserves and promotes cultural heritage, but also opens up new dialogues and possibilities in the fashion universe, demonstrating that sustainability, diversity and innovation can go together.

19:00: Opening of the Nhe’Porã Exhibition: Memory and Transformation – Portuguese Language Museum

The traveling exhibition comes to São Luís (MA) for season here at the CCVM. Focusing on indigenous languages in Brazil, the exhibition is held by the Portuguese Language Museum co-organized by the CCVM, coordinated and sponsored by the Vale Cultural Institute, with the cooperation of UNESCO, in the context of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (2022 – 2032) and in partnership with the Socioenvironmental Institute, the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology of USP and the National Museum of Indigenous Peoples of Funai. Local partners are the Center for Research and Natural History and Archaeology of Maranhão and the Casa de Nhozinho Museum


It is curated by indigenous artist and master in Human Rights Daiara Tukano, and co-curated by anthropologist Majoí Gongora.

8:30pm: DJ Eric Terena presentation

At the close of – Indigenous Music Festival 2024, we will be attended and set by DJ Eric Terena, who is about to release the unreleased album “The Future is Ancestral”, a collaboration with Brazilian indigenous artists.


Magda Pucci
Djuena Tikuna