The film presents the research developed by professor-researcher Ibã Sales of the Huni Kuin people around the Huni Meka, as the songs of the vine (ayahuasca) are known. The emergence of the Huni Kuin Artists’ Movement — MAHKU is witnessed at the 1st Huni Kuin Artists-Designers Meeting of the Jordan River (2011) and the preparation of the collective for participation in the exhibition Histoires de Voir in 2012 at the Cartier Foundation for Contemporary Art in Paris, France.
Musician of the Fulkaxó people, Wakay was born in the village Kariri-Xocó (Alagoas) and was raised in the village Fulni-Ô (PE) and has been the leader of the Thá-Fene Indigenous Reserve in Lauro de Freitas (BA) for 20 years.
With 21 years of artistic career, Wakay had the first CD, Caminho de Todos, recorded at WR studio, under the musical direction of the guitarist, singer and songwriter Luciano Bahia. Wakay Nativo is the show that gives name to Wakay’s second CD, recorded in London, in July 2015, whose main objective is to bring indigenous culture closer to contemporary societies.
Wakay performed in Germany, Italy, England. It brings with it the mission of disseminating the traditions of the first inhabitants of Brazilian lands. To maintain ties with their ancestral culture, Wakay and his people who reside in the Thá-Fene reserve, always return to their original villages, especially during periods of seclusion in the sacred territory. In order to invest in the dissemination and appreciation of indigenous culture, and as a way to contribute to the sustainability of the space they inhabit, indigenous people who hold workshops in schools, receive groups of visitors, make native cultural presentations and sell the handicrafts they produce.
Music as a spiritual practice that reveals invisible worlds. The learning of specific songs and instruments to create dialogues with beings and spiritual entities that generate healing, through the relationship with plants, songs and mirations in the healing process.