Tambor de Crioula de São Benedito, from the Quilombo Oiteiro dos Nogueiras (Itapecuru Mirim) is presented at this farm's Pátio Aberto

06 February 2020

Thursday is the Open Patio Day in the Historic Center of São Luís! On the 6th, at 7 pm , the CCVM receives the Tambor de Crioula de São Benedito, from Quilombo Oiteiro dos Nogueiras, in the city of Itapecuru Mirim. For at least two hundred years, the drum tradition has been maintained by the Quilombo Oiteiro dos Nogueiras community. The games take place in traditional festivities, in the payment of promises and in community meetings in the quilombo or wherever called. The group has 25 members and is coordinated by Jamilson and Rayssa Santos. The singers are Martins Fonseca and Mestre Bamba. Come experience the tradition of this community! Special opportunity. Free entrance