Pátio Aberto presents: Drum Rufou in the Baixada, with the Tambor de Crioula Cravo e Rosa de São Benedito (União da Baixada)

09 January 2020

Come celebrate the new year on the beat of the drums! Thursday, 01/09, at 7:00 pm , the Tambor de Crioula Cravo e Rosa de São Benedito (União da Baixada) will be presented at the Pátio Aberto. Admission is free. The group was founded in 2005, in the Monte Castelo neighborhood. Commanded by Mestre Raimundinho, a native of São João Batista, it brings to Ilha the memory and art of Baixada Maranhense, bringing together 40 players, born in cities like São Vicente Férrer, Cajapió and Viana. In 2008 the group recorded its first CD and the following year it created the Ciranda do Aprender Culture Point, which, in addition to digital inclusion, promotes workshops on embroidery, making mumps and other arts.