Body Territory: Between Brazil and Black Africa - Caboclo de Pena Workshop, with Jhonatan Oliveira (Bumba meu Boi de Maracanã) - Open Inscriptions

09 to 12 December 2020

In the Black and Diversity Month at CCVM, the program Território Corpo: Between Brazil and Black Africa holds the Caboclo de Pena workshop, with Jhonatan Oliveira (Bumba meu Boi de Maracanã), from 12/09 to 12/12, from 7 pm to 8 pm. From the contextualization of the caboclo de pena character in the game of bumba meu boi, the artist will work the corporal movements and dance techniques of the Caboclo de Pena do Boi from Maracanã: the gingado, the spin, the dance on the cord, the parades, the screened. It will also address aspects of character characterization, such as the rich art of making clothing, produced with emu feathers. Jhonatan Oliveira is 22 years old, 19 of them lived as a caboclo in the pen of one of the most popular groups of Bumba meu Boi do Maranhão, the Boi de Maracanã. Grandson of Mestre Humberto de Maracanã, he inherited his taste and dedication to popular culture from the family. Currently, in addition to dancing, he is dedicated to teaching Caboclo de Pena dance workshops. He has performed in several Brazilian states such as Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Piauí. He is one of the protagonists of Caboclo de Pena (2019), a documentary produced by the Centro Cultural Vale Maranhão, in which he tells his story and shows his art in gingado. Those interested in participating should send their full name, telephone number and name of the workshop they wish to register to by e-mail: The workshop will be broadcast on the Zoom Platform. Free registration. 80 vacancies .