Occupies CCVM 2018

03 October to 22 December 2018


OCUPA CCVM, published annually, receives projects from artists and filmmakers from Maranhão to exhibit their work in the spaces of the cultural center for three months. Our objective is to identify and promote the cultural production of Maranhão, favoring its contact with a wide and diverse public.

In the 2018 edition, the year in which we celebrate the greatness of black people in culture, we proposed that the theme of blackness be considered by those interested in participating. Of the ten projects presented here, eight dialogue with this proposal in different languages.

This year, we have the predominance of the performing arts, but the visual arts and cinema are also covered. Shows, exhibition, workshops, projection and lectures make up the program that can be enjoyed by the public from October to December.

Panels scattered in the courtyard and on the upper floor show the 10 projects and exhibition dates.

Welcome to all the artists and directors of OCUPA CCVM 2018!

Paula Porta

director and curator of CCVM