Mestre Ciraco celebrates 55 years of history in the Open Patio

22 September 2022 to 19:00

The attraction this Thursday, in the Open Patio, is Mestre Ciríaco, singer of Bumba Meu Boi Unidos de Santa Fé, who will celebrate 55 years of singing.

Starting his journey playing oxen at the age of 8, as a featherhead in the Ox of Seu Enézio, in the New York town of São João Batista, Mestre Ciraco began singing songs at the Ox of Pindaré, where he remained until 2011.

The Master will present a show with plays that marked his career from the 60s to today, recording his contribution to the continuity of the tradition of Bumba Meu Boi in popular culture.

Admission is free. Come celebrate with Mestre Ciriaco!