Circula CCVM arrives in Miranda do Norte, with Graffiti and Dance workshops - Open Enrollment

17 to 18 August 2019

CIRCULA CCVM arrives on the next 17th and 18th in Miranda do Norte, taking workshops that stirred up the KEBRADA street culture festival. The CCVM action has the support of the City Hall and, in addition to sharing knowledge, aims to identify and invite artists from the region to participate in the second edition of KEBRADA, which starts in November. Come here! The workshops take place from 2 pm to 6 pm. There are 80 spaces for dancing (40 per day) and 40 spaces for graffiti (20 per day). Free registration: Ponto de Cultura do Boi da Juventude by Miranda Gil Peniel has been graffiti for 14 years, coordinates the project Riscos e Rabiscos, which organizes art workshops for children and teenagers at risk, also in prisons and clinics for the treatment of drug addicts . His art is in various parts of São Luís. Oton Salazar started in street dancing in 1997, perfected his technique in France, where he participated in festivals and was a dance instructor in Cenon, Floirac and Bordeaux, invited by the organization Gamins de La Rue. Participates in events as an instructor, judge and speaker on Hip Hop culture. He is a social educator in municipal institutions.